Thursday, February 7, 2013


The idea for this cartoon actually came to me in the Winter of 2012 when the Midwest was hit by a large number of powerful winter tornadoes. Like everyone else I was stunned by the power and timing of the out breaks. As amazing as that was, it has been just one manifestation of the wild and crazy weather we've been having in the last decade or so. 

You've seen and felt the impact, the floods, the droughts, wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes and all manner of abnormal weather. Yet, no one wants to call it by it's real name "Global Warming" or "Climate Change." Is it too scary for our country to face or as Al Gore said just too "inconvenient?" Instead many of us are desperately trying to find someone who can prove the scientists wrong. In fact, many of our computerized climate change models do appear to have been wrong, they may have been too conservative. The data coming in now seems to indicate that climate change maybe occurring faster than scientist originally thought.

There is no comforting scenario that I can give you on this one but it is worth remembering, as we collectively stick our heads in the sand, that there is no place you can hide from the effects of climate change.

So what do you think? Is climate change a hoax or just an "engineering problem" as the CEO of Exxon seems to think? Is it too late to stop climate change?

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